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Imihigo to focus on social economic transformation

Performance contracts during this fiscal year will focus mainly on programs and activities with robust impact on socio-economic transformation of Rwandans. According to the resolutions from a two- day meeting that ended yesterday, it was agreed that emphasis is put on areas that will have a great impact to the wellbeing of the people.
Minister James Musoni of MINALOC (R) chats with Kigali mayor Fidu00e8le Ndayisaba (C) and Aimu00e9 Bosenibamwe, the Governor of the Northern Province after the meeting. (Photo: T. Kisambira)
Minister James Musoni of MINALOC (R) chats with Kigali mayor Fidu00e8le Ndayisaba (C) and Aimu00e9 Bosenibamwe, the Governor of the Northern Province after the meeting. (Photo: T. Kisambira)
Times Reporter